
Official Inauguration


The purpose of this event was to present an official draft of our project. This activity took place on January 26, 2007 at the conference room of the VIPE, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Tocumen Campus and was attended by 50 people. Standing out at the main table were Salvador A. Rodriguez, President of the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Dr. Delva B. de Chambers, Vice President of the UTP for research, Erick Vallester, Director of the Centro de Investigaciones Hidráulicas e Hidrotécnicas (CIHH), UTP, Lic. Jose Causadias, Director of the I + D program at SENACYT.

President Rodriguez, in his welcoming remarks, said with great joy that this project represents a new opportunity for collaboration between UTP researchers and professors from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and the University of Wyoming. Moreover, he stressed that this project aims to investigate and quantify hydrological processes in a micro watershed at Cerro Pelado, Gamboa, to improve the validation and calibration of hydrological models. Esta calibración permitirá determinar con mayor confiabilidad los volúmenes de agua que fluyen en los diferentes componentes del ciclo hidrológico de la Cuenca del Canal de Panamá. This calibration will improve the reliability in the estimation of water volumes flowing into different hydrological cycle components in the Panama Canal watershed.