Brief Overview of Cerro Pelado

Cerro Pelado, is a steep hill located in Gamboa owned in part by the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP), the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP). It has the advantage of being a field research site, in an area easily accessible. About  its topography, it has a fairly steep slope, which rises steeply from 30 to 223 above mean sea level.


The research area in Cerro Pelado, was given by the former “Autoridad de la Región Interoceánica” (Interoceanic Region Authority) (ARI), through Resolution No. 115-02 of  September 23, 2002, to the Technological University of Panama and the University of Panama (UP) for 20 years renewable, for the development of scientific and technological research on tropical environment.