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Architecture Beirut Port Competition Inspireli Awards

Architecture Beirut Port Competition Inspireli Awards


In this competition, students from all over the world are invited to rethink the future port of Beirut that will be rebuilt. Take the chance to participate in rebuilding the port of Beirut, capital of Lebanon

Create your design and win financial prices and international prestige

Participants are challenged to not only think of the new port as a piece of architecture or an urban master plan but raising the question of how to exploit the very expensive lands for the benefit of fostering the economy and commerce as well as restoring the indispensable storage area and the essential port-functions: the mission is to bring back the port's competitive aptness in its context in order to further engage in the world trading markets

Submit your design until July 14th, 2022

Click here for the conditions: Competition conditions

Pre-register here: Pre-registration form