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Summer Research Programme 2023 - Aalto Science Institute

01/06/2023 - 10:00 a 01/31/2023 - 12:00

Afiche de promoción del programa de pasantía de investigación en Aalto University

Aalto Science Institute (AScI) international summer research (internship) programme offers bachelor's and master's students employment opportunities to participate first-hand in topical research, to interact with the premier research groups at Aalto University, and to network in an international environment. The internships are open to students from all countries. To learn more.

Over 60 positions are available in numerous departments within the schools of Science, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Find the list of available position here (PDF, 573.62 KB)

AScI participants are usually hired for 12 weeks, which is the maximum length of an AScI contract. The typical period of employment is from 1 June until 23 August. The exact timing of the employment should be agreed upon with the hosting department.

Applicants must be at least second/third year undergraduate students in a suitable field at their university. The applicants must have an academically outstanding background appropriate for the proposed research project, and an excellent command of English.

AScI application and selection schedule

In the selection of students, priority is given to students who have not previously studied or worked at Aalto.

Positions published December 18th, 2022
Applications opened January 4th, 2023
Deadline for applications January 31st, 2023 23:59 (UTC+2)
Student selection and interviews February
Invitation letters from Departments mid March
Internship, Get to know Finland course, poster exhibition June-August 2023 (12 weeks)

Application Procedure and Compulsory Documents

Applications with attachments are to be submitted through the link ('Apply Now'). The deadline for applications is 31 January 2023 23:59 (UTC+2). Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for online interviews in February 2023.

The following must be combined into a single pdf in the given order:

1. Motivation letter: The motivation letter is an important part of the application.

  • Explain why are you interested in an Aalto Science Institute summer research position, what are your personal interests in terms of research, and why you selected the projects you did.
  • Also indicate any special circumstances with regards to visit dates.
  • Future study plans.

2. CV: A summary of your academic and work history with contact details.

3. Official* transcript of the university studies that you have completed.

  • * by "official" transcript we mean a transcript that clearly has been issued by your university 
  • If the transcript is in a language other than English, a (unofficial) translation of the transcript must be submitted. You should append the translation to the same file as the copy of the official* transcript.
  • In addition, please assemble a list of courses + descriptions of courses that will appear in the final transcript (spring courses), but are not in your current transcript. 
  • Please make sure the grading scheme is explained. If it not automatically on the transcript you can attach an extra page giving the details. (eg In Finland grades are 1 - 5 with 5 being the highest). 

4. A letter of recommendation from a professor or supervisor.

  • The recommendation letter should be written by a university professor or lecturer, or a person who has supervised you in either an academic or employment capacity.
  • The letter should be attached to the application file and uploaded by the candidate.
  • The recommendation letter should clearly indicate the referee's name, email and phone, department and university.
  • AScI will not contact or ask for the letter of recommendation from the referee by email or phone. Only in the case that the applicant is shortlisted by the supervising research group, the referee could be contacted after the deadline of the call.
  • Applications without the letter of recommendation will not be processed.

5. Proof of sufficient English skills: TOEFL, IELTS or other standard test is recommended but not required. Alternatively, you may provide one of the following:

  • A statement from your university/language course regarding your language skills.
  • A seminar report or something you have written as part of your studies to demonstrate your competence in written English.
  • If your university studies are English, then a clear statement of this fact on your CV and cover letter.

In addition to the documents requested by Aalto University, you must fill out the UTP Internal Form (PDF, 61.73 KB)

How to fill the application form

Here are some tips on filling the form (PDF, 149.98 KB)

Important Information

  1. Location: All positions are located on the Aalto University Otaniemi campus in Espoo, Finland. (Remote employment is not possible.)
  2. Salary: Students will be employed as research assistants by their hosting department. The salary is sufficient to cover living costs, including accommodation. The salary is determined based on experience and qualifications according to the salary system of Aalto University. The minimum salary is 1800 €/ month for bachelor's students and higher for master's students. In addition, a single fixed travel bonus is paid (400€/800€ for those inside/outside Europe).
  3. Housing: Aalto University Student Union (AYY) makes student housing available to AScI summer employees. See AYY housing
  • This housing is much cheaper than on the private market.
  • Apartments and rooms are located on the Otaniemi campus area (and other locations in Espoo and Helsinki).
  • Rental contracts can usually only be made for a fixed term of 2 to 4 months between 1st April - 31st August and it cannot be terminated.
  • Rooms are not furnished. Used furniture can be purchased from other students or rented from a private service provider.

Contact Information

  • For questions concerning the research topic, please contact the academic contact person listed in the topic description.
  • For general questions concerning the programme or application procedure, contact the AScI admin at [email protected]
  • Interested students can contact [email protected] cc [email protected]
  • Phone: 560 3201
  • Attention in person at the International Relations Office from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
  • Find us on social networks as @dri_utp