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UNESCO - Call for New Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites for the Year 2024

07/12/2024 - 09:00 a 08/31/2024 - 09:00

The Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO has opened a call for applications for new ecohydrology demonstration sites in all countries and regions of the world.

These sites are expected to accelerate the implementation of water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through water science and education.

The aim is to enhance the sustainability potential at the catchment level by promoting holistic ecohydrological approaches and sharing best practices. Establishing new ecohydrology demo sites contributes significantly to three of the main areas of water management: 

  • addressing ecohydrological issues related to critical water ecosystems under pressure; 
  • raising awareness of the effective interrelationships between the hydrological cycle, livelihoods, and ecosystems; 
  • aligning the ecosystem potential with societal needs. 

The proposed demonstration site should focus on improving the following parameters:

  • water quality, 
  • biodiversity and ecosystems, 
  • services resilience to climate change and impacts, 
  • culture and education,
  • law, policy and governance. 

Minimum criteria checklist:

  • Ecohydrology principles and solutions
  • Ecohydrology technologies
  • Project solution-oriented
  • Transdisciplinary research collaboration
  • Multi-Stakeholders Involvement
  • Local Community Participation
  • Demosite Manager/Coordinator
  • Sufficient Funding and in-kind contribution
  • Relevant documents / publication

How to apply

The call for new ecohydrology demonstration sites is open to: 

  • Members of the UNESCO Water Family (including water-related Chairs/UNITWIN, Category 2 Centres, IHP National Committees), research institutes, universities, government entities, private companies, NGOs and individual water experts,
  • Ecohydrology practitioners,
  • UNESCO designed sites (biosphere reserves, natural World Heritage sites and UNESCO Global Geoparks).

Please read the document below, with the full details of the call, before applying.

Applicants must submit a duly completed Application form by 31 August 2024.

Call for new ecohydrology demonstration sites for the year 2024


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