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Short-term Programs at Kitami Insitute of Technology

10/15/2021 - 00:00 a 04/18/2022 - 00:00

We are pleased to invite UTP students to study at Kitami Institute of Technology for short-term exchange students under our exchange agreement in face-to-face modality. 

Please send all documents to be submitted in advance by e-mail before sending the originals by Mobility Platform UTP.


How to apply?

Students must select courses from the following lists: Class Title (Undergraduate)Class Title (Master)

Note: All classes except Spoken English and Intensive English are offered in Japanese. 

1st phase

Send the following documents in just one PDF file to Mobility Platform UTPSHORT-TERM PROGRAMS AT KITAMI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Deadline for 1st period (starting time April 1, 2022): November 22, 2021 

2nd phase

Send the following documents in just one PDF file to Mobility Platform UTPSHORT-TERM PROGRAMS AT KITAMI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Deadline for 2nd period (starting time October 1, 2022): April 18, 2022

Documents required: 

  1. Form No.1
  2. Form No.2 
  3. Form No.3 
  4. Application for Certificate of Eligibility
  5. Application form for the KIT dormitory
    *If there are not enough rooms available in the dormitory, some students will be accommodated in our KIT apartments.
  6. Letter of recommendation
  7. English certificate
  8. All academic transcripts for undergraduate studies and above
  9. Passport photocopy
  10. Three photos (4cm long×3cm wide) with the name on the back, taken within 6 months.
  11. Curriculum Vitae
  12. Formulario de Movilidad UTP al extranjero * 
    *The UTP student must have the authorization of his / her Career Coordinator 
  13. A certificate of scholarship if applicable.* 
    *Scholarship will be given to students depending on student's short-term enrollment:
  • For 6 months, 60,000 yen will be given to the student after three months.
  • If the student's enrollment is for one year, 120,000 yen will be given to the student after six months.

For further information, email: [email protected] / [email protected]  


La Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) en todas sus actividades tiene la calidad como principio esencial, el mismo que se concreta en una atención eficaz y eficiente a las sugerencias y/o quejas que se puedan presentar en el devenir de su actuación. El objetivo de buzón de sugerencias y/o quejas formulado a través de Internet es ofrecer una respuesta ágil a las manifestaciones de insatisfacción o propuestas de mejora relacionadas con las diversas actividades que realiza la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá(UTP), informando a sus colaboradores y público en general interesado de las actuaciones realizadas y, en su caso, de las medidas adoptadas. Para lograr este objetivo es imprescindible su colaboración, complete el formulario. Más información sobre el Buzón de Sugerencias y Quejas.